Les Alcusses valley

The Casa Gran estate

The “Les Alcusses”, a winegrowing valley

Our estate is located in the Les Alcusses, a protected valley and preserved as a cultural landmark at the foothill of La Batida mountain. Wine remnants dating back to the 4th century B.C. were found in the ruins of an Iberian town located atop of the mountain that borders our estate.

We are at 530 meters (1.739 feet) above sea level and 90 kilometres (56 miles) southwest of the city of Valencia. With temperatures from -4ºC (24ºF) to 35ºC (95ºF) and ranfall concentrated in fall and winter. Different type of sils, sandy soil, white clay and sandy soil mixed with clay.

110 Hectares

Pago Casa Gran lies on the northern hillside of a steep mountain and includes 110 Ha (272 acres) of land. The north-facing plots nearest the hillside are 100% sandy, while those at the floor of the valley are a mix of sand and clay. South-facing plots are composed entirely of white-clay soils. Overall climate and seasonal weather conditions are ideal for wine production, with warm summer days always followed by cold nights.


Because our soils are composed of several different proportions of clay and sand, they also have different fertility and water retention features. To manage these differences, we have at our disposal a variety of working parameters that allow us to match each growing zone with the right balance of:
match and obtain the right balance with:

Whenever we plant a new plot of vines, we think through all of these aspects carefully considered with the aim of producing fruit of optimum quality.

Local grape varieties

We cultivate local grapes like Garnacha tintorera, Monastrell and Malvasia, next to other Mediterranean and international varieties such as Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Petit verdot and Gewüztraminer. The latter was brought from Germany to our estate by Carlos Laso’s grandfather, more than 60 years ago. Regardless of variety, all our vines are strong and self-sufficient thanks to the ecosystem and the mycorrhizas. Our ground covers allow us to maintain soil temperatures at 8-12ºC (46-53ºF), much cooler than bare soil, while also retaining humidity and forcing the roots to go deeper in search of water.

Our motto is: “Work with Nature, not against her“.


artisan organic wines

artisan organic wines, terroir expressiveness

The Casa Gran estate

The “Les Alcusses”  winegrowing valley

Our estate is located in the Les Alcusses, a protected valley and preserved as a cultural landmark at the foothill of La Batida mountain. Wine remnants dating back to the 4th century B.C. were found in the ruins of an Iberian town located atop of the mountain that borders our estate.

We are at 530 meters (1.739 feet) above sea level and 90 kilometres (56 miles) southwest of the city of Valencia. With temperatures from -4ºC (24ºF) to 35ºC (95ºF) and ranfall concentrated in fall and winter. Different type of sils, sandy soil, white clay and sandy soil mixed with clay.

110 Hectares

Pago Casa Gran lies on the northern hillside of a steep mountain and includes 110 Ha (272 acres) of land. The north-facing plots nearest the hillside are 100% sandy, while those at the floor of the valley are a mix of sand and clay. South-facing plots are composed entirely of white-clay soils. Overall climate and seasonal weather conditions are ideal for wine production, with warm summer days always followed by cold nights.


Because our soils are composed of several different proportions of clay and sand, they also have different fertility and water retention features. To manage these differences, we have at our disposal a variety of working parameters that allow us to match each growing zone with the right balance of:
match and obtain the right balance with:
> vine training system and row orientation
> strategies for permanent cover crops
> grape varieties and rootstock selection
> irrigation, if and when necessary
> viticultural practices
Whenever we plant a new plot of vines, we think through all of these aspects carefully considered with the aim of producing fruit of optimum quality.

Local grape varieties

We cultivate local grapes like Garnacha tintorera, Monastrell and Malvasia, next to other Mediterranean and international varieties such as Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet sauvignon, Petit verdot and Gewüztraminer. The latter was brought from Germany to our estate by Carlos Laso’s grandfather, more than 60 years ago. Regardless of variety, all our vines are strong and self-sufficient thanks to the ecosystem and the mycorrhizas. Our ground covers allow us to maintain soil temperatures at 8-12ºC (46-53ºF), much cooler than bare soil, while also retaining humidity and forcing the roots to go deeper in search of water.

Our motto is: “Work with Nature, not against her“.

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La esencia de nuestra tierra

Monovarietales de identidad única

Nuestros vinos monovarietales reflejan las variedades autóctonas en nuestra tierra. Producidos en cantidades limitadas, cada botella refleja la dedicación y el esmero en seleccionar las uvas más genuinas y representativas, garantizando una experiencia singular y memorable.

La etiqueta de cada vino cuenta con un símbolo único inspirado en la escritura íbera, un homenaje a la rica historia de la región y la proximidad de nuestra finca a un antiguo poblado íbero. La elección de este símbolo no es casual. Con un toque de imaginación, verás que este diseño alude a nuestro concepto de «monovarietal»: una (1) única uva (0). Esta representación gráfica encapsula nuestra filosofía de cultivar y vinificar una sola variedad de uva, permitiendo que cada sorbo exprese la pureza y la singularidad del terroir.

Monovarietales de identitad única

La esencia de nuestra tierra

Nuestros vinos monovarietales reflejan las variedades autóctonas en nuestra tierra. Producidos en cantidades limitadas, cada botella refleja la dedicación y el esmero en seleccionar las uvas más genuinas y representativas, garantizando una experiencia singular y memorable.

La etiqueta de cada vino cuenta con un símbolo único inspirado en la escritura íbera, un homenaje a la rica historia de la región y la proximidad de nuestra finca a un antiguo poblado íbero. La elección de este símbolo no es casual. Con un toque de imaginación, verás que este diseño alude a nuestro concepto de «monovarietal»: una (1) única uva (0). Esta representación gráfica encapsula nuestra filosofía de cultivar y vinificar una sola variedad de uva, permitiendo que cada sorbo exprese la pureza y la singularidad del terroir.


El vino que honra la historia íbera

Falcata es el nombre de una legendaria espada íbera utilizada por los poblados de la península ibérica (España y Portugal) para combatir a los romanos alrededor del siglo IV antes de Cristo.
Esta espada no solo era un formidable instrumento de guerra, sino también un símbolo de distinción. Los artesanos la forjaban a medida del brazo de cada guerrero, convirtiéndola en un arma profundamente personal e intransferible. Tan preciada era la falcata que, al fallecer el guerrero, se enterraba junto a él.

La finca Casa Gran se encuentra al sur de la montaña llamada Bastida, en cuya cresta reposa un antiguo poblado íbero. Al elegir «Falcata» como marca para nuestro vino, no solo rendimos homenaje a la finca, sino también a la rica historia y la cultura del lugar.

La etiqueta de nuestro vino representa una falcata clavada en un suelo cubierto de hierba, con un ave local de vivos colores posada sobre ella. Esta imagen evoca una conexión entre el pasado y el presente, simbolizando la recuperación de la biodiversidad en nuestra finca.