Artisan organic wines: respect & grapes

Artisan winemaking

In winegrowing, we believe small details can make a big difference

Because even the tiniest single element can influence the final product, we control every stage in the production process and use only grapes and wine from our own vineyards. We work to achieve a perfect balance between technology and ancestral techniques, with the purpose of obtaining top-quality grapes and wine with maximum terroir expression.

To do this we impose strict guidelines on everything we do, both in the vineyard and in the winery. These include an indulgent, gentle handling of the grapes in our gravity-flow cellar throughout the winemaking process.

Leading-edge technology

Designed by winery founder Carlos Laso, the Pago Casa Gran winery was thoughtfully engineered to support elite-quality, organic wine production. Many small details combine to guarantee the maximum respect for our grapes and full implementation of our quality directives. Our winery design also supports sustainability through thermal and energy efficiency, and by minimizing the production of waste materials.


Throughout the year our technical director and oenologist oversees all viticultural activities, and ensures a high level of care for our precious vineyard resources. During harvest he establishes standards for grape selection and determines their potential blending destination based on varietals, site-sourcing and quality.

Afterwards, he decides which winemaking process will be optimal based on the individuality and diversity of the raw material available that year—always rejecting the use of any commercial yeast, which ensures our indigenous yeasts can play a key role in the birth of Pago Casa Gran wines with incomparable complexity, fruit purity and personality.

wine terroir expressiveness

Artisan winemaking

In winegrowing, we believe small details can make a big difference

Because even the tiniest single element can influence the final product, we control every stage in the production process and use only grapes and wine from our own vineyards. We work to achieve a perfect balance between technology and ancestral techniques, with the purpose of obtaining top-quality grapes and wine with maximum terroir expression.

To do this we impose strict guidelines on everything we do, both in the vineyard and in the winery. These include an indulgent, gentle handling of the grapes in our gravity-flow cellar throughout the winemaking process.

Leading-edge technology

Designed by winery founder Carlos Laso, the Pago Casa Gran winery was thoughtfully engineered to support elite-quality, organic wine production. Many small details combine to guarantee the maximum respect for our grapes and full implementation of our quality directives. Our winery design also supports sustainability through thermal and energy efficiency, and by minimizing the production of waste materials.


Throughout the year our technical director and oenologist oversees all viticultural activities, and ensures a high level of care for our precious vineyard resources. During harvest he establishes standards for grape selection and determines their potential blending destination based on varietals, site-sourcing and quality.

Afterwards, he decides which winemaking process will be optimal based on the individuality and diversity of the raw material available that year—always rejecting the use of any commercial yeast, which ensures our indigenous yeasts can play a key role in the birth of Pago Casa Gran wines with incomparable complexity, fruit purity and personality.

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La esencia de nuestra tierra

Monovarietales de identidad única

Nuestros vinos monovarietales reflejan las variedades autóctonas en nuestra tierra. Producidos en cantidades limitadas, cada botella refleja la dedicación y el esmero en seleccionar las uvas más genuinas y representativas, garantizando una experiencia singular y memorable.

La etiqueta de cada vino cuenta con un símbolo único inspirado en la escritura íbera, un homenaje a la rica historia de la región y la proximidad de nuestra finca a un antiguo poblado íbero. La elección de este símbolo no es casual. Con un toque de imaginación, verás que este diseño alude a nuestro concepto de «monovarietal»: una (1) única uva (0). Esta representación gráfica encapsula nuestra filosofía de cultivar y vinificar una sola variedad de uva, permitiendo que cada sorbo exprese la pureza y la singularidad del terroir.

Monovarietales de identitad única

La esencia de nuestra tierra

Nuestros vinos monovarietales reflejan las variedades autóctonas en nuestra tierra. Producidos en cantidades limitadas, cada botella refleja la dedicación y el esmero en seleccionar las uvas más genuinas y representativas, garantizando una experiencia singular y memorable.

La etiqueta de cada vino cuenta con un símbolo único inspirado en la escritura íbera, un homenaje a la rica historia de la región y la proximidad de nuestra finca a un antiguo poblado íbero. La elección de este símbolo no es casual. Con un toque de imaginación, verás que este diseño alude a nuestro concepto de «monovarietal»: una (1) única uva (0). Esta representación gráfica encapsula nuestra filosofía de cultivar y vinificar una sola variedad de uva, permitiendo que cada sorbo exprese la pureza y la singularidad del terroir.


El vino que honra la historia íbera

Falcata es el nombre de una legendaria espada íbera utilizada por los poblados de la península ibérica (España y Portugal) para combatir a los romanos alrededor del siglo IV antes de Cristo.
Esta espada no solo era un formidable instrumento de guerra, sino también un símbolo de distinción. Los artesanos la forjaban a medida del brazo de cada guerrero, convirtiéndola en un arma profundamente personal e intransferible. Tan preciada era la falcata que, al fallecer el guerrero, se enterraba junto a él.

La finca Casa Gran se encuentra al sur de la montaña llamada Bastida, en cuya cresta reposa un antiguo poblado íbero. Al elegir «Falcata» como marca para nuestro vino, no solo rendimos homenaje a la finca, sino también a la rica historia y la cultura del lugar.

La etiqueta de nuestro vino representa una falcata clavada en un suelo cubierto de hierba, con un ave local de vivos colores posada sobre ella. Esta imagen evoca una conexión entre el pasado y el presente, simbolizando la recuperación de la biodiversidad en nuestra finca.